In today's rapidly changing world, it is a challenging task to provide customers with an advanced technology & solution while achieving significant cost savings. Macaamiisheenu ha yeeshaan faa'iidooyin tartan badan oo tartan ah suuqa.
Qalabka HL Corakogenickaas oo la aasaasay 1992 waa astaan la xidhiidhaChengdu Quduuska Quduuska ah ee Cherynic Co., Ltd
Qalabka HL dhir ee HL wuxuu ku hawlanaa warshado codsi cod bixin ah muddo 30 sano ah. Through a large number of international project cooperation, HL Cryogenic Equipment has established a set of Enterprise Standard and Enterprise Quality Management System based on the international standards of Vacuum Insulation Cryogenic Piping System.
Akhri wax dheeraad ahThe inner pipe of the VIP is first purged by a high-power fan > Purged by dry pure nitrogen > Cleaned by a pipe brush > Purged by dry pure nitrogen > After purging, quickly cover the two ends of the pipe with rubber caps and keep Gobolka buuxinta ah ee loo buuxiyo.
Akhri wax dheeraad ahHL wuxuu ballanqaaday inuu kaga jawaabo dhammaan weydiimaha 24 saac gudahood. HL has a large number of orders every year and there is sufficient running inventory of all kinds of spare parts which can be delivered as soon as possible.
Akhri wax dheeraad ah