
Sax, waxqabadka, iyo isku halaynta

In today's rapidly changing world, it is a challenging task to provide customers with an advanced technology & solution while achieving significant cost savings. Macaamiisheenu ha yeeshaan faa'iidooyin tartan badan oo tartan ah suuqa.

  • AMS

Naga ku saabsan

Qalabka HL Corakogenickaas oo la aasaasay 1992 waa astaan ​​la xidhiidhaChengdu Quduuska Quduuska ah ee Cherynic Co., Ltd

Akhri wax dheeraad ah


Su'aalo weydiinta

Maareynta & Heerka

Maareynta & Heerka

Qalabka HL dhir ee HL wuxuu ku hawlanaa warshado codsi cod bixin ah muddo 30 sano ah. Through a large number of international project cooperation, HL Cryogenic Equipment has established a set of Enterprise Standard and Enterprise Quality Management System based on the international standards of Vacuum Insulation Cryogenic Piping System.

Akhri wax dheeraad ah
/ Maamulka-Heerka /



The inner pipe of the VIP is first purged by a high-power fan > Purged by dry pure nitrogen > Cleaned by a pipe brush > Purged by dry pure nitrogen > After purging, quickly cover the two ends of the pipe with rubber caps and keep Gobolka buuxinta ah ee loo buuxiyo.

Akhri wax dheeraad ah
/ xirxiran-xirxiran /

Rakibaadda & Adeegga Kadib

Rakibaadda & Adeegga Kadib

HL wuxuu ballanqaaday inuu kaga jawaabo dhammaan weydiimaha 24 saac gudahood. HL has a large number of orders every year and there is sufficient running inventory of all kinds of spare parts which can be delivered as soon as possible.

Akhri wax dheeraad ah
/ rakibidda-boostada-ka dib /
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